Discontinued Safes

A little info on older/discontinued models

Safes have been manufactured in their current shapes since the mid 1800's, so you can imagine that over this time, many hundreds of models, styles, types will have gone out of production. Also, many manufacturers have disappeared over the years or merged with other companies often making it very difficult for the general public to identify their safe or it's age - both things which you insurers will want to know.

The tabs below show lists of safes which we believe have, for one reason or another, been discontinued.

Misc discontinued safe ranges

Following is a list of manufacturers which to the best of our knowledge, are no longer in the business of supplying or manufacturing safes. Some of the companies listed may have been taken over by other companies, or may still be trading but may no longer be manufacturing safes or have turned to other trades or professions. However, if the manufacturer of your safe is listed below, it is fairly certain that is now a discontinued model.

If any of the information is incorrect, please contact us and we will make changes with immediate effect and accept our apologies for any mis-information.

The Ace Safe Company
Adamant Safe & Lock Co Ltd**
Algo Company
Amenco (Poole) Ltd
Andrew Fraser & Co
Anglia Safe & Vault Co Ltd
Anglosafe Ltd
A M & J Safes
A P F Securities
Armour Safe Engineering
Assurasafe Ltd
Bailey Safes
Barbican Lock & Safe Co
Bar-well Safe Co Ltd
Bash & Co
Bassey & Son Co Ltd
Joseph Bates & Sons
Beatty Edwards
Birmingham Safe Co Ltd
Birmingham Safe Co (1957) Ltd
Biron Engineering Ltd t/a Biron Safes
George Blair Products Ltd
BPS Security Systems Ltd
W E Brain & Co
Brittania Sheet Metal Ltd
J Cartwright & Sons Ltd
The Centurian Safe Company
Chatwood Safe Co Ltd
Checkpoint UK Ltd
Chatwood Milner
Codebox Marketing Ltd
A M Coleman & Co Ltd
Colin & Son (Locks) Ltd
Compton Engineering
Contravogue Ltd
Cooperative Wholesale Society
Crado International Ltd
Croft Engineers Led (H Burgess)
John Crow
Cyrus Price & Co
The Dart Safe Co
Davenport Burgess
D B Engineering
Diebold Incorporated
Defender Electronic Safes Ltd
Diplomat Safe Co Ltd
Dominator Security Products Ltd
Dovetail Lock & Safe Co Ltd
Dragon Safes
Dreadnought Security Ltd *
Edwin Cottrell & Co Ltd
Edwin & Lumby
Ellis (Colchester) Ltd
Empire Safe Co Ltd
1857 Rea No 461 190
Eurosec (London) Ltd
Fima Security
Fort Knox Safe & Security Co
Fortis Re-inforced Concrete Safe

Guardknight Ltd
G C D Security Ltd
Geeves Fearn
General Safe Co
Chas Gore
G P Patent Safes
G P Securitv Ltd
Griffiths Safe Co Ltd
C H Griffiths & Co
C H Griffiths & Sons
Griffiths Safe Co
John Grove & Son
Group 4 Total Security Ltd
Gumpo International
Halberd Security Ltd
Halesfield Security Systems
Harwood Ltd
Home Counties Safe Co
Hendon International Hotel & Leisure Products Ltd
E Hipkins & Co
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd
Holland Safety
Hoover Plc
Independent Safes International Ltd
In-Safe International Ltd
ISM Nusafe
Jasmin Port
John Armstrong & Sons
Johnson & Co
Kenbro Safes King Industrial Co Ltd
Knightsguard Ltd
Lancashire Lock & Safe Co
Leabank Office Equipment Ltd
Link 51 (Stroage products)
J W Levy & Son Ltd
Locke Security & Safe Co Ltd
Lockmasters Ltd
The London Excelsior Safe
London Lock & Safe Co Ltd
Lord Safe Co Ltd
John Lowe
Lowes Fabrication
J & J Mallalieu Ltd
Maple Safe Co
Margolis Safe Co
William Marr
Milner Safe Co
Mini Fort (Midlands) Ltd
M K G Engineering
Mercian Lock & Safe Co
EDR Muller Ltd
Peter Mullooly Manf. Ltd
National Safe Co
Newgate Lock & Safe Co Ltd
N K L Safe Company
Jas Parrish
C Peake & Son
George Perry
William Perry

Perrin Safes Ltd
Phoenix Safe Co Ltd
Phillips & Son
John Port
George Price
Protectall Lock & Safe Co Ltd
Radway Safe Co Ltd
Ratner Safe Co Ltd
Reliance Safe Co Ltd
Rhino Safes of Guernsey
Rosengrens Tann Ltd
Rusper (Sheet Metal work) Ltd
Russell Hare
Safes Ltd
Safes Direct Ltd
Sambell Engineering Ltd
Secure Safes (Coventry) Ltd *
R H Securities Ltd
Security Design Fabrications Ltd
W Shuttleworth (Metal Workers)Ltd
Stephen Cox & Son Ltd
Security Lock & Safe Co Ltd (SLS)
S & M Tools & Components Ltd
Standria Lock & Safe Co
Stratford Safe Co
Stripefield Ltd
Summit Securities Ltd
Sure Floor Safes
South West Safes
Edward Tann
John Tann Ltd
John Tann
R Tann
John & Joseph Taunton
P A Terry (Security Consultants) Ltd
P Thorne & Son
Tower key Company
Trafalgar Security Co
Telford Safe Co Ltd (TSC)
Telford Safe Marketing (TSM)
F S Turner
Ultranix Industries Ltd
Vault Safe Co
Viro Innocenti SPA
H J Walden
Wat Tyler Safeman
A Webley & Co Ltd
Web Security
G H Willingham & Co
Whitfields Safe & Door Co Ltd
Frederick Whitfield & Sons
Samuel Whitfield & Sons
Wilks Engineering
C H Wilson & Co
Samuel Withers & Co Ltd
Thomas Withers & Sons Ltd
Withy Grove Stores
Wolfe & Hollander Ltd
Wulfrun Safe Co Ltd
Young & Power Ltd

* Now made by:
Hamber Safes Ltd, Billericay, Essex, CM12 0EG

** Now supplied by:
Associated Security Services, Security House
25 Addington Lane, Manchester, M4 5EU

Above is a list of manufacturers which to the best of our knowledge, are no longer in the business of supplying or manufacturing safes. Some of the firms listed may have been taken over by other companies, or may still be trading but no longer manufacturing safes or have turned to other trades or professions. However, if the manufacturer of your safe is listed above, it is fairly certain that is now a discontinued model.

If any of the information is incorrect, please contact us and we will make changes with immediate effect and accept our apologies for any mis-information.

Discontinued Makes A-F

Discontinued Chatwood Ranges

Chatwood existed as a company for many years, and merged with the Milner company in the late 1950's. The resultant company Chatwood Milner were later taken over by Chubb and the name eventually disapeared over the following years with the exception that Chubb do still use the Milner name on some of their fire resistant ranges. To the best of our knowledge, all Chatwood and Chatwood Milner ranges are now discontinued. Below are some of the names from the various ranges:

Chatwood Bomb (Cylinder shaped)
Chatwood C B Quality
Chatwood Commercial
Chatwood Cylinder (The Bomb:)
Chatwood Diamond
Chatwood Duplex Minor
Chatwood Duplex Major
Chatwood Household
Chatwood Invincible
Chatwood List 3
Chatwood List 4 (New Series)
Chatwood List 4 A
Chatwood List 5 (New Series)
Chatwood List 6
Chatwood List 7
Chatwood List 8
Chatwood Merchant
Chatwood "Milk" Safe
Chatwood Milner Chancery
Chatwood Milner Crown
Chatwood Milner Document
Chatwood Milner Duplex A B P
Chatwood Milner Duplex Drill resisting
Chatwood Milner Duplex E D R
Chatwood Milner Duplex Minor & Major
Chatwood Milner Duplextra Mk 1
Chatwood Milner Duplextra Mk 2
Chatwood Milner Duplextra Mk 3
Chatwood Milner Leyton
Chatwood Milner Merlin
Chatwood Milner Regent
Chatwood Milner Royal Acme
Chatwood Milner Shrewsbury
Chatwood Milner Standard
Chatwood Milner Viscount
Chatwood Milner W' Series
Chatwood Securities
Chatwood Special Diamond
Chatwood Special Treasury
Chatwood Special Treasury
Chatwood Standard
Chatwood Standard Securities
Chatwood Standard Treasury
Chatwood Treasury

Discontinued Chubb ranges

ABP Domestic
Bankers (Diagonal Bolts)
Bankers A B P
Bankers Mk II
Bankers 2nd Strength
Bankers Quality (or 3rd strength)
Bankers Treasury
Book Quality
Castelle B
Castelle B+
Castelle C
Castelle C+
Castelle D
Castelle D+
Castelle E
Castelle F
Castelle G
Circular Door
Coffer 'S'
Coffer T D R
Commerce Quality
Commerce E D R
Commerce Euro
Domestic A B P
Duplex Minor
Duplex Major
Eurosafe 0
Eurosafe 1 Mk1
Eurosafe 1 Mk2
Eurosafe 2
Eurosafe 3
Eurosafe 4
Eurosafe 5
Eurosafe 6
Heritage (old style)
Heritage Elite
Heritage Minor & Major
Leamington (original style)
Leamington Mk 2
Lichfield Elite
Litchfield (old style)
Office Quality
S' Coffer
Standard (Square Bolts)
Standard (Round Bolts)
Standard Quality ABP
Standard T D R
Standard TDR 2nd Strength
TDR Coffer
Treasury II
Treasury MkII

Discontinued Dudley Safes

To the best of our knowledge, the following Dudley ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details:

Dudley Balmoral
Dudley Conway
Dudley Dudley
Dudley Edinburgh
Dudley Harlech (Harlech Lite still available)
Dudley Home Safe
Dudley Ludlow
Dudley Norwich
Dudley Sandringham
Dudley Utility
Dudley Windsor

Discontinued Fichet Ranges

To the best of our knowledge, the following Fichet Bauche ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details:

Fichet-Bauche AA BAGC
Fichet-Bauche Arden
Fichet-Bauche Arden 2
Fichet-Bauche Bar D
Fichet-Bauche BAR AT 11-81
Fichet-Bauche Bankers G C
Fichet-Bauche Carat
Fichet-Bauche Chatel
Fichet-Bauche Cobra '18
Fichet-Bauche Danton
Fichet-Bauche Egide
Fichet-Bauche Egide '9'
Fichet-Bauche Entreprise
Fichet-Bauche Entreprise 2
Fichet-Bauche F R Series
Fichet-Bauche Galion (4-A2P)
Fichet-Bauche Gold
Fichet-Bauche HS 9
Fichet-Bauche H M S
Fichet-Bauche H P 1
Fichet-Bauche JN 20
Fichet-Bauche Liberty
Fichet-Bauche Pyramis
Fichet-Bauche Python
Fichet-Bauche Python 'S'
Fichet-Bauche Richelieu
Fichet-Bauche Richelieu Bloc 22
Fichet-Bauche Rubis 38
Fichet-Bauche Silver
Fichet-Bauche Valois
Fichet-Bauche Voyager 1& 2
Fichet-Bauche 170 DF
Fichet-Bauche 170 DFC (Cobra)
Fichet-Bauche 66 DF
Fichet-Bauche 66 DF (Valois)
Fichet-Bauche 70 DF
Fichet-Bauche 05 Weekend
Fichet-Bauche 07 Holiday
Fichet-Bauche 08 Wallsafe

Discontinued safes and secure containers:

Safes and secure containers have been made in Britain for well over one and a half centuries and as a consequence, the majority of safes in use are now discontinued.

On this page, we have put together a list of some of the discontinued safes. If you have one of these safes and would like more information regarding weight, overnight cash rates or would like to upgrade to a more modern safe, email us at sales@bradleys-blyth.co.uk Please note that in some cases, it may be necessary to pay a small fee in order to procure information on your safe.

If you have a safe which requires repair, removal, opening or replacement, we can probably help - even if you are not in our region of the country as Bradley's are part of a network of quality safe engineers and we should be able to put you into contact with someone in your area.

Discontinued Makes G-R

Discontinued Hobbs Hart safe ranges

To the best of our knowledge, the following Hobbs Hart ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details:

Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Branch Bank
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Cupboard Safe
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Essex
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Improved Progress 'A'
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Improved Progress 'B'
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Improved Progress 'D'
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Leyton
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Progress
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Progress A
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Progress B
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Progress C
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Progress D
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Progress E
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd Progress G
Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd S E 1 Anti blowpipe

Discontinued Milner safe ranges

To the best of our knowledge, the following Milner ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details:

Milner A series
Milner B' Series
Milner Bankers
Milner Branch Bank
Milner British Army Safe
Milner Class 'E'
Milner D' Series
Milner Diamond
Milner Document
Milner Double Shell
Milner Grade 1
Milner Grade 2
Milner Grade 2 Series 'A'
Milner Grade 2 Series 'B'
Milner Grade 3
Milner Grade 3
Milner Grade 4
Milner Grade 5
Milner Grade 6
Milner Grade 7
Milner List 1
Milner List 2 Square Body
Milner List 2 Quality 12 Bent
Milner List 3 four Bent
Milner List 3 (square bolts)
Milner List 3 'O' Boltwork
Milner List 4 'O' Boltwork
Milner List 5
Milner List 6
Milner List 7
Milner Metropolitan
Milner Special
Milner Whitfield
Milner Wolverhampton
Milner "212" (Fire & Thief Resisting)

Discontinued Ratner safe ranges

To the best of our knowledge, the following Ratner safe ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details

Ratner A type
Ratner Colonial Chest
Ratner Document Box
Ratner Excelsior
Ratner Executive
Ratner Executive (1980)
Ratner Executive 2500
Ratner Grade 1
Ratner Grade 2
Ratner Grade 3
Ratner Grade 4
Ratner Grade 5
Ratner List 2
Ratner List 3
Ratner List 3 Improved
Ratner List 4 Improved
Ratner List 5
Ratner List 6
Ratner List 7
Ratner New Trustee
Ratner Orderly Room Quality
Ratner Paymaster 1
Ratner Paymaster 2
Ratner Quality H
Ratner Quality M
Ratner Quality T
Ratner Quality Y
Ratner Quality Z
Ratner Quality 2
Ratner Quality 4a
Ratner Quality 5
Ratner Ranaloy
Ratner RG 200
Ratner RG 300
Ratner RG 400
Ratner RG 500
Ratner RQ 1
Ratner RQ 2
Ratner RQ 3
Ratner RQ 4
Ratner RQ 5
Ratner RQ 200
Ratner RQ 250
Ratner RQ 300
Ratner RQ 390
Ratner RQ 400
Ratner RQ 500
Ratner RQ 8500
Ratner Secretariat
Ratner Senior Excutive
Ratner Tenacity - 1930's
Ratner Tenacity 1983
Ratner Trustee T1, to T4
Ratner Trustee 5000
Ratner Trustee (1980)
Ratner 1500 (& Deposit)
Ratner 8500

Discontinued safes and secure containers:

Safes and secure containers have been made in Britain for well over one and a half centuries and as a consequence, the majority of safes in use are now discontinued.

On this page, we have put together a list of some of the discontinued safes. If you have one of these safes and would like more information regarding weight, overnight cash rates or would like to upgrade to a more modern safe, please email us at sales@bradleys-blyth.co.uk Please note that in some cases, it may be necessary to pay a small fee in order to procure information on your safe.

If you have a safe which requires repair, removal, opening or replacement, we can probably help - even if you are not in our region of the country as Bradley's are part of a network of quality safe engineers and we should be able to put you into contact with someone in your area.

Discontinued Makes S

Discontinued SLS ranges

To the best of our knowledge, the following SLS ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details:

S L S Bankers Anti Arc
S L S Bankers Jewellery
S L S Bankers Jewellery MkIII
S L S Bankers Treasury
S L S Bankers Treasury Mk 2
S L S Bankers Treasury Mk 3
S L S Bankers Treasury TRTL30/6
S L S Cashguard
S L S Cashguard 2
S L S Cashguard A/T Mk 2
S L S Columbia
S L S Continental
S L S Continental 2
S L S Continental 3
S L S Continental 4
S L S Director
S L S Director A/T MkII
S L S Ensign
S L S Ensign 2
S L S Ensign 3
S L S Gem (TRTL 30/6)
S L S International
S L S International 2
S L S International 3
S L S International 4
S L S Jeweller
S L S Jeweller 2
S L S Mini-Safe
S L S National
S L S National 2
S L S Sapphire
S L S Standard Commercial
S L S Super Commercial
S L S Super Commercial A/T
S L S Telford
S L S Treasury Anti Arc
S L S Treasury MkII
S L S Treasury MkIII TRTL 30/6
S L S Treasury TR-TL 30/6
S L S Universal 1
S L S Universal II
S L S Universal III
S L S Universal IV
S L S 1500
S L S 1000
S L S 10000
S L S 250
S L S 2000
S L S 2500
S L S 3000+
S L S 500
S L S 5000
S L S 5000+
S L S 750
S L S 7500+

Discontinued SMP ranges

SMP are still alive and kicking and one of the only safe engineering firms to be still making safes in Britain. A range of over 30 SMP safes are in stock at any time at Bradleys in ranges from the Economy through to the Community grade 2 and 3 ranges. To the best of our knowledge, the following SMP ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details:

S M P Anglian
S M P Anglian 2
S M P Anglian XL
S M P Bankers
S M P Briton
S M P Cashguard 3
S M P Continental 5
S M P Cumbrian
S M P Databond
S M P Halesfield
S M P Home safe
S M P Hotel Safe
S M P Jeweller 3
S M P Mercian
S M P Mercian 2
S M P Mercian 3
S M P Salopian
S M P Treasury
S M P Universal 5
S M P Warrington
S M P Wessex
S M P Wessex GP
S M P Wessex 2
S M P Wessex 3
S M P Wrekin

Discontinued Stratford ranges

Unfortunately, Stratford, as a company, are no longer with us and all Stratford ranges are, to the best of our knowledge, are now discontinued. Below is a list of some of the ranges previously made by The Stratford Safe Company. Please contact us for any other details:

Stratford Warden
Stratford Birmingham
Stratford Bulldog
Stratford Burnside
Stratford Cashier
Stratford Clarendon
Stratford Concord
Stratford Consul
Stratford "SX" Mk 1
Stratford "SX" Mk 2
Stratford "SX" Mk 3
Stratford Samuel Withers
Stratford Security
Stratford Service
Stratford Service Deposit
Stratford Standfast
Stratford Sterling Mk 1
Stratford Sterling Mk 2
Stratford Sterling Mk 3
Stratford Sterling Mk 4
Stratford Sterling Plus
Stratford Stronghold Mk1
Stratford Stronghold Mk2
Stratford Stronghold mk3
Stratford Stronghold Mk4
Stratford Treasury

Discontinued safes and secure containers:

Safes and secure containers have been made in Britain for well over one and a half centuries and as a consequence, the majority of safes in use are now discontinued.

On this page, we have put together a list of some of the discontinued safes. If you have one of these safes and would like more information regarding weight, overnight cash rates or would like to upgrade to a more modern safe, email us at sales@bradleys-blyth.co.uk Please note that in some cases, it may be necessary to pay a small fee in order to procure information on your safe.

Discontinued Makes T-Z

Discontinued Tann ranges

To the best of our knowledge, the following Tann ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details:

Tann Bankers II
Tann Bankers Cash
Tann Bankers Cash 5
Tann Bankers Cash 6
Tann Bankers Cash 7
Tann Bankers Cash 8
Tann Bankers Cash 9
Tann Bankers Treasury 'TBT'
Tann Bullion Mk 3 - 6
Tann Bullion Mk 7
Tann Cashier (TL 15)
Tann Cashier
Tann Citizen
Tann Clarendon
Tann Clarendon 2
Tann Commercial
Tann Commercial 2
Tann Consort (457 & 609)
Tann Consort 2
Tann Cordon 2
Tann Defiant
Tann Diamond Mk 1
Tann Diamond Mk 2
Tann European 2 (45a/02)
Tann European 3 (45a/03)
Tann European 4 (45a/04)
Tann Fortress
Tann Fortress 2
Tann Fortress 8500
Tann Grade 1
Tann Grade 2
Tann Herculean
Tann Household
Tann Impregnable A B P
Tann Improved Bullion (Oval Plate)
Tann Jewel
Tann Ledger
Tann List 'J'
Tann List 'K'
Tann List 'L'
Tann List 2 a (MM)
Tann Major
Tann Maximus
Tann Minor
Tann New Security
Tann Security
Tann Security
Tann Standard
Tann Star
Tann Star Mk 2
Tann Stronghold
Tann Super Bullion
Tann Super Star 1
Tann Super Star 2
Tann Super Treasury
Tann Super Treasury Mk 2
Tann TS 1
Tann TS 2
Tann TS 3
Tann TS 4
Tann TS 5
Tann Templar
Tann Tenacity
Tann Treasury II
Tann Tudor
Tann 457 (Consort)
Tann 609 (Consort)
Tann 8,500

Discontinued Withers ranges

To the best of our knowledge, the following Withers ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details:

S Withers Birmingham
S Withers Bulldog
S Withers Burnside
S Withers Fire & Burglar Resistant Safe
S Withers 1500
S Withers 10000
S Withers 2500
S Withers 6,000
T Withers Albion
T Withers Birmingham
T Withers Crusader
T Withers Empire
T Withers Hercules
T Withers Phoenix
T Withers Sandwell
T Withers Super Vulcan
T Withers Titan

Discontinued Withy Grove ranges

Withy Grove are still in business today, but do not manufacture safes. To the best of our knowledge, all Withy Grove safes were 'badged' safes (made by another firm and re-badged with thier own label on) and all ranges are now discontinued. Please contact us for details:

Withy Grove Battlement
Withy Grove Cabinet Home Safe
Withy Grove Captain
Withy Grove Captain Wallsafe
Withy Grove Cavalier
Withy Grove Challenger Document
Withy Grove Challenger S S
Withy Grove Champion 1, 2 & 3
Withy Grove Chieftain 'A'
Withy Grove Chieftain Wallsafe
Withy Grove Commander
Withy Grove Commander 1 & 2
Withy Grove Commander 3
Withy Grove Datasafe
Withy Grove Digi Safe
Withy Grove Disc Guard
Withy Grove Electra
Withy Grove Lancaster
Withy Grove Leopard
Withy Grove Lieutenant
Withy Grove Lion (Mk 1?)
Withy Grove Lion 2
Withy Grove Lion 3
Withy Grove The Lynx
Withy Grove The Lynx
Withy Grove New Commander 1
Withy Grove New Commander 2
Withy Grove New Commander 3
Withy Grove Panther
Withy Grove Special Mk 2
Withy Grove Star Challenger
Withy Grove Super Artic
Withy Grove Super Atlantic
Withy Grove Super Chieftain
Withy Grove Super Commander
Withy Grove Super Jaguar
Withy Grove Super Master
Withy Grove Super Pacific
Withy Grove Super Panther
Withy Grove Super Puma
Withy Grove Super 1 Star
Withy Grove Super 2 Star
Withy Grove Super 3 Star
Withy Grove Super 4 Star
Withy Grove Tiger 1
Withy Grove Tiger 2
Withy Grove Tiger 3
Withy Grove Turret
Withy Grove Wellington
Withy Grove Westminster
Withy Groves 1000
Withy Groves 2000
Withy Groves 5000

Discontinued safes and secure containers:

Safes and secure containers have been made in Britain for well over one and a half centuries and as a consequence, the majority of safes in use are now discontinued.

On this page, we have put together a list of some of the discontinued safes. If you have one of these safes and would like more information regarding weight, overnight cash rates or would like to upgrade to a more modern safe, email us at sales@bradleys-blyth.co.uk Please note that in some cases, it may be necessary to pay a small fee in order to procure information on your safe.